
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
In the third episode of the Current Topics in 5G Technology series, Microwave Journal editors Pat Hindle and Gary Lerude continue their discussion with Andreas Roessler, technology manager at Rohde & Schwarz. In this episode they cover the enhancements to 5G planned for 3GPP releases 16 and 17 and how they support IoT applications. The series is sponsored by Rohde & Schwarz. R&S has a free eBook available on 5G NR at http://rsna.us/mwj_5g_ebook and download their white paper on 5G and Beyond here https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/us/solutions/test-and-measurement/wireless-communication/overview/white-paper-5g-evolution-on-the-path-to-6g_253033.html.
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